

1. What time is it? 此刻是幾點?
2. How long does it take you to get to work? 你下班要花多長時光?
3. Does your father live in Roma? 你父親住在羅馬嗎?
4. They are G包養erman. 他們是德甜心寶貝包養網國人。
5. I was too sleepy to 包養網get up in the morning. 我早上太困瞭,包養網起不來。包養app
6. Would you like a cup of coffee or包養 tea? 你想要一杯咖啡仍是茶?
7. Where包養女人 is 包養網t包養留言板he包養網 bathroom? 洗手間在哪?
8. Nancy is 包養網the fastest swimmer in the class. 包養金額南希是班上遊泳Z快的。
9. This is the finest view I have ever seen. 這是我見過的Z好的風景。
10. I like sports. 我愛好活動。

1. That is not a snake. 那不是蛇。
2.甜心寶貝包養網 Who’s that woman standing next to Mary? 阿誰站在瑪麗旁邊的女人是誰?
3. Is this computer your包養網單次s? 這是你的電腦嗎?
4. What is this? 這是什麼?
5. Of all these cakes I like this one best. 在一切這些蛋糕中,包養妹我Z愛好這一種。
6. How old are you? 你多年夜瞭?
7. How long have you been in Canada? 你來加拿年夜多久瞭?
包養網8. She doesn’t have an包養app iPad. 她沒有iPa包養網d.
9. Are these any nice re包養網staurants around here? 這四周有什麼好餐館嗎長期包養
10. She has a dog t包養合約hat is called Bob. 她有一隻叫鮑勃的狗。

1. What d包養合約包養網o you do包養網車馬費 for work? 你做什麼任務?
2. He sometimes plays the piano for us. 他有時會給我們彈鋼琴。
3. I have never been scolded by a teacher. 我歷來沒有被教員罵過。
4. She’s really smart, isn’t she? 她真的很聰慧,對吧?
5. How many brothers and sister女大生包養俱樂部s do you have? 你有幾個兄弟姐妹?
6. My parents lost 包養感情weight b包養網y running every mo包養rning. 我怙恃天天早上跑步減肥。
7. Her English is very good. 她的英語很好。
8. I’ll call you back after 6:30PM. 我早晨六點半今後給你回德律風。
9. I am studying English. 我在學英語。
10. The price of the car is too high. 這輛車包養網的價錢太高瞭。



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